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Goals for 2013

This may seem after-the-fact, since we are already 24 days into 2013 and I’m just now posting about my goals, but who says the year begins in January!!  The year has already been in full swing since September.  Many can relate if you work in a school.  Fall is a type of beginning, the weather begins to change, transition is already under way, new clothes, new supplies, new way of thinking…so really I should be making my goals for the year in September!  But I digress, in keeping with the “New Year” I feel as though I should need to write out of my goals for this upcoming year.

This topic has been the death of me ever since 2013 rang in, I have felt this need to evaluate my goals from 2012, list my many accomplishments and the nowhere near, not even finished ones…but every time I sit down to write, it pains me, so that’s when I retreat to the couch, snoodle up with a cozy blanket and nap!  But the procrastination has to stop sometime and I thought today would be the day!

Ever since I started blogging I have fallen in love with it!  I feel this sense of release every time I sit down and write, I have never been good at keeping a journal until now, this is my virtual journal (that I just happen to share with the entire world), but I also feel this sense of community too.  Even though I’ve never met most of the people I follow, I feel like they are my friends, they let me into their lives on a daily basis so I feel like I know them and I can connect with them.  Blogging has not only improvement my photography, but also my writing and confidence!  I clearly know this is something I want to keep pursuing, even if somedays I feel stalled.  This picture plays over and over again in my mind, the picture is of my perfect day, I would wake up, walk over to my favorite coffee joint, throw open my computer, check emails, social media, possible blog about interesting topics (maybe even get paid for it) or edit a beautiful photo-shoot, all while sipping on my very beverage!  Then afterwards I would meet with clients or whatever, go shopping!  What a dream!  But I don’t want it to be just a dream, I want it to be reality.  It’s a strong desire I have and I’d rather be sitting in a local coffee shop on my computer searching the web, than sitting behind a desk not feeling creative.  But I guess that is for another time & place.

Anyway, back to my goals!  If you would like to read about my 2012 goal post in it’s entirety, you can go here, but below I have outlined both my 2012 (with accomplishments) & 2013 goals.  Have you set your 2013 goals, I would really love to know what they are!!!

2012 goals 2013 goals


Happy New Year!


Simple As The Little Things…

Wow, we are more than half way through January and I feel like I haven’t met any of my New Year resolutions!  Do you feel the same???  I blame my lack of motivation…hopefully this is a phase and it’s running it’s course…I’ve been meaning to post a couple of things about my New Year goals and about my new business, which you can view here:  Lauren Bodwell Photography.  But things have been going so fast and I don’t feel like I have enough hours in the day and days in the week to accomplish all that I want to.  (There is more to this, but I will discuss this at a later date).  But I just wanted to let you know I’m still alive and continuing to make time for photography, my new business, & blogging!

I thought what better way to get back into the swing of things than a Simple As That Sunday post…my husband and I finally ordered our new washer & dryer combo (it washes & dries all in one!), a Christmas Present from us to us with a little help from both our parents!  THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!  For the past three or so years I’ve been lugging our dirty laundry to the public Laundry Mat, sometimes going 2 or 3 weeks without doing it, and it’s always a treat entering the laundry mat not knowing who or what you’ll fine!  Well it ends today!  It feels so nice to put a load in the washer, turn it on, and forget about it, all in the comforts of my HOUSE!

Let me tell you, it’s AMAZING.  It’s really the little things in life!

3200, 1.4, 1/15

1600, 1.8, 1/60